Contract research for the manufacturing industry

It is key to take corrosion and degradation modes into consideration in the early design stages to prevent premature failure of your product or installation.

METALogic offers contract research to inject your developments or innovations with the right expertise on corrosion and materials. Developments/innovations typically require a project-based approach. We thereby make a distinction between innovation projects that are performed with financial support of VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship) or the European Commission, and projects without such support.


Financial support of the Flemish government can be requested for projects which have a significant degree of innovation (on company level). We help you choose the right project type, guide you through the administrative part of writing the project proposal and ensure a smooth project flow.

In case you are participating in one of the projects funded by the European Commission, you can count on METALogic to complete the consortium with expertise on materials degradation.

 Advantages of innovation projects:

  • The right expertise is included to obtain excellent results;
  • By getting your innovation project funded you can broaden the scope or increase the depth of the study.


Investigations/developments that go beyond standard services can be tackled with a project-based approach. We discuss the right approach and set up a test matrix if relevant, to come to solutions that meet your set of criteria. The duration of such a project typically ranges from months to one year.

Advantages of contract research:

  • Tailor-made project approach;
  • Fast response, no long waiting times to start your investigations/developments.


Ensure your product or installation survives in the long run by including our expertise in the process from the very beginning. We are happy to answer any questions and are eager to offer our services. Contact us today!

Corrosion analysis sprinkler systems

Periodic testing of sprinkler systems brings fresh oxygenated water into the system. Steel piping in contact with oxygenated water leads to corrosion. The problem can be quite severe in case MIC [...]

Contract research

We offer contract research for project research related to materials, coatings and materials degradation in general. Depending on the nature of the problem, METALogic assigns a team of engineers to the [...]

Materials selection

Based on our specific knowledge and many years of experience in corrosion studies, corrosion testing and failure analyses METALogic can assist you in selecting the most appropriate material for your [...]

(Cyclic) salt spray tests

Traditionally coatings are tested by subjecting them to an aggressive environment. This is for example the case in the neutral salt spray test (ISO 9227 NSS or ASTM B117). In this test coatings are exposed [...]

Failure analysis

Our team of experts have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in failure analysis and is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. METALogic goes to the limit to solve your [...]

Corrosion tests

Testing of corrosion in our laboratory is mainly done by exposure testing and/or by electrochemical tests (cyclic polarization measurements). Exposure tests are closest to reality and therefore yield the [...]

Exciting news!

METALogic has merged with TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium as of 1 August 2024 and we will now operate under one name: TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium.

This rebranding marks a new chapter in delivering enhanced services and expertise to our valued clients.

Visit TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium to learn more.