Pharmaceutical Industry

Due to the high safety and health regulations required in the pharmaceutical industry, it’s essential to provide quality control for both products as well as production processes. METALogic offers a wide array of services for the pharmaceutical industry. That way you can easily fulfill health and safety requirements as well as anticipate certain issues that may occur.

The advantages: 

  • Get the right partner to help you meet safety requirements;
  • Get an overview of all critical points and possible scenarios;
  • Anticipate on issues instead of experiencing the results;
  • Make sure your production process runs smoothly.


The production lines and reactors of the pharmaceutical industry are the most important parts of the production processes. When building new infrastructures, you’ll want to test the new conditions for possible corrosion. We offer a wide array of tests:

  • Materials selection
    Materials selection can be performed on a theoretical basis and supplemented by exposure tests if needed.
  • Exposure tests
    Corrosion coupons are exposed to the worst case conditions of the new production process. After a predetermined period of time, these coupons are removed to determine the corrosion rate. Base material as well as weldings are tested for (long-term) corrosion.
  • Cyclic polarization tests
    In case of time constraints or in case additional information about localized corrosion is needed, cyclic polarization tests can be performed. Test standards include ASTM G5, ASTM G59 and ASTM G61.
  • Indirect corrosion analyses
    Besides electrochemical tests or exposure tests, there are other ways of testing for corrosion. Based on analysis of several parameters of the medium a risk for corrosion of the metal in contact with the medium can be assessed.


Thanks to corrosion studies, you’ll get essential knowledge about the integrity of your pharmaceutical installations. This includes identification of potential degradation mechanisms and critical locations that are required when setting up an inspection plan. Count on METALogic for:

  • Corrosion Study
    A corrosion study or a failure mechanism study gives the user essential knowledge on integrity of the installation by determining and listing potential failure mechanisms and critical locations which are required when setting up an inspection plan. The remaining life of an installation can be estimated based on a failure mechanism study.
  • Risk-based Inspection (RBI)
    To map the whole tangle of piping and equipment on a site and make inspection manageable, METALogic suggests the RBI approach. By performing a profound study of potential failure mechanisms by corrosion engineers, coupled with consequence of failure, a system is set up that promotes targeted inspections. We assist you in setting up a custom-made RBI approach.

Corrosion support for the pharmaceutical industry

Our mobile team of engineers and inspectors can assist you with the following activities:

  • On-site consultancy
    Although we are just a phone call away, certain projects may require a more direct approach. Our engineers can work at your facilities e.g. one or more days per week.
  • Rouging measurements
    In case you observe rouging/discoloration in your reactor, you might wonder if the passivation layer is still protective and how the rouging/discoloration can be removed. We can offer you advice on how to proceed.
  • Corrosion inspection
    When corrosion or material degradation is found, what seems like details may actually be telltale signs to find the root cause. Our trained inspectors visit the site to observe the degradation and document all relevant information in order to find the root cause.
  • In-situ exposure tests
    The best corrosion test is an exposure test under real process conditions. METALogic assists you by providing corrosion coupons and evaluating the coupons after exposure.


We have experienced engineers and inspectors in-house to perform on-site visual inspections. The main goal of inspections on demand of the client is to map the condition of an installation or to establish [...]

Contract research

We offer contract research for project research related to materials, coatings and materials degradation in general. Depending on the nature of the problem, METALogic assigns a team of engineers to the [...]

Materials selection

Based on our specific knowledge and many years of experience in corrosion studies, corrosion testing and failure analyses METALogic can assist you in selecting the most appropriate material for your [...]

On-site support

METALogic can provide (qualitative) support at the client, which is typically longer term support. Project engineers in different disciplines can: Manage inspections of the installations and piping [...]

Damage mechanism study

A corrosion study or a failure mechanism study gives the user essential knowledge on integrity of the installation by determining and listing potential failure mechanisms. The output of a failure mechanism [...]

Risk-based inspection (RBI)

To map the whole tangle of piping and equipment on a site and make inspection of these manageable, METALogic suggests its RBI approach. By performing a profound study of potential failure mechanisms by [...]

Failure analysis

Our team of experts have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in failure analysis and is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. METALogic goes to the limit to solve your [...]

Corrosion tests

Testing of corrosion in our laboratory is mainly done by exposure testing and/or by electrochemical tests (cyclic polarization measurements). Exposure tests are closest to reality and therefore yield the [...]

Exciting news!

METALogic has merged with TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium as of 1 August 2024 and we will now operate under one name: TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium.

This rebranding marks a new chapter in delivering enhanced services and expertise to our valued clients.

Visit TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium to learn more.