RBI en CorLifeTM for the chemical and petrochemical industry

Every year a large budget goes to plant maintenance and inspections. The aim is to keep the installation operating safely for as long as possible.

Knowledge about possible degradation mechanisms is indispensable and is the outcome of a thorough corrosion study or failure mechanism study. A risk based inspection (RBI) methodology ensures that inspections are carried out where they are most needed. This thanks to the most effective techniques for detecting degradation mechanisms. 

We are happy to guide you from start to finish.


At the foundation of an RBI process is a corrosion study or failure mechanism study

This study determines potential degradation mechanisms percorrosion loop. Often API 571 is applied for this purpose. However, specifically for the process industry other mechanisms are sometimes applicable. METALogic has extensive experience in this field. 

We review the inspection history of a facility and we compile a list of realistic expected failure mechanisms. Critical inspection locations such as dead ends and injection points are identified. A team of knowledgeable experts thoroughly evaluates the expected failure mechanisms. In doing so, they take into account the API 581 methodology for determining corrosion rates or sensitivities.

We also advise on inspection techniques and condition monitoring in relation to the identified degradation mechanisms.

The goal of an RBI process is to minimize the risk (risk = probability x consequence) of failure by effectively applying the right inspection techniques where and when they are most needed.

METALogic is happy to guide you through this whole process. Starting from the failure mechanism study over the risk calculations and -analysis to ending with an inspection planning and evergreening. Clients who prefer to keep full control themselves can also call upon our experts.

The benefits of RBI

  • METALogic guides you through the entire RBI process and also does the project management.
  • Optimized inspection efforts in function of the risk.
  • Possible use of in-house developed software CorLife™.
  • Risks are identified and kept under control.


METALogic has developed its own cloud-based software that is lean and mean, flexible and adaptable to the customer’s needs. Specifically, the software offers these features: 

  • Failure mechanism study 
  • Risk, POF (probability of failure), COF (consequence of failure) can be calculated quantitatively or qualitatively according to your requirements.
  • Inspection management, including inspection planning based on customer-specific strategies.
  • Simple retrieval of an overview of historical inspection results and inspection reports
  • All statutory inspections, repairs, controls and customer-specific tasks are included and easily followed up.
  • Fully customized inspection sheets

Benefits of CorLife™:

  • Lean & mean software
  • Internal and external degradation mechanisms (atmospheric corrosion, CUI, …) are considered.
  • Flexibility in choice of COF model.
  • Risk matrix can be adapted to customer needs.
  • Calculation of minimum allowable wall thickness (MAWT) according to API 579 or customer specific code.


We have experienced engineers and inspectors in-house to perform on-site visual inspections. The main goal of inspections on demand of the client is to map the condition of an installation or to establish [...]

Materials selection

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On-site support

METALogic can provide (qualitative) support at the client, which is typically longer term support. Project engineers in different disciplines can: Manage inspections of the installations and piping [...]

Damage mechanism study

A corrosion study or a failure mechanism study gives the user essential knowledge on integrity of the installation by determining and listing potential failure mechanisms. The output of a failure mechanism [...]

Acoustic emission

Integrity measurement by means of acoustic emission By means of an acoustic emission test with elevated pressure the integrity of your vessel is investigated. This acoustic emission test ensures 100% [...]

Risk-based inspection (RBI)

To map the whole tangle of piping and equipment on a site and make inspection of these manageable, METALogic suggests its RBI approach. By performing a profound study of potential failure mechanisms by [...]

Failure analysis

Our team of experts have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in failure analysis and is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. METALogic goes to the limit to solve your [...]

Corrosion tests

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Controls according to VLAREM

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Exciting news!

METALogic has merged with TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium as of 1 August 2024 and we will now operate under one name: TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium.

This rebranding marks a new chapter in delivering enhanced services and expertise to our valued clients.

Visit TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium to learn more.