Chemical and petrochemical industry

Safety is key in the (petro)chemical sector. Quality control of the processes and using the correct materials and techniques go hand in hand. In addition, this industry requires a robust technological solution due to, among other things, the application of high temperatures and pressures, the presence of corrosive media and the complexity of the installation.

As a corrosion expert, METALogic specializes in facing challenges within this sector through a comprehensive service with the emphasis on quality. When you think of (petro)chemicals in Belgium, you often immediately think of the port of Antwerp. We provide our services to many partners in this industrial hub thanks to our expertise and local proximity.

The benefits of working with METALogic:

  • We can support the entire life cycle of equipment with knowledge of its integrity
  • We understand and control the corrosion phenomena that occur in chemical plants
  • We work flexible, fast and solution-oriented.


Knowledge of potentially occurring degradation mechanisms is essential to extend the lifespan of an existing plant. After all, appropriate inspection techniques can be proposed on this basis. To minimize the risk of failure and to use inspection costs effectively, a RBI (risk-based inspection) methodology can provide a solution.

We guide you through the entire process, starting with the collection of the required data, the expertise, and team sessions to finally arrive at an inspection planning. With our own developed software CorLife™ we also ensure that the whole is manageable, clear and always up-to-date.


Regular inspections of aboveground storage tanks and vessels are necessary to keep the risk of leaks within limits. Traditional inspections often require an internal examination. However, an internal examination carries extra risks for people, the environment and the device itself. Water and oxygen can initiate or promote corrosion processes. With acoustic emission the device can be tested without taking it out of service. Acoustic emission also gives a 100% control of the casing.


When damage is detected, it can be further investigated in our metallographic lab via a destructive failure analysis. We carry out numerous investigations to find the root cause of the failure or material degradation.

In addition, our inspectors will also visit your premises to determine/investigate degradation or to monitor the condition of a material in a non-destructive way. Via replica, an impression of the microstructure can be taken to determine, for example, degradation due to exposure to high temperature.

Curious about more? Feel free to contact us, our experts are happy to help!


We have experienced engineers and inspectors in-house to perform on-site visual inspections. The main goal of inspections on demand of the client is to map the condition of an installation or to establish [...]

Materials selection

Based on our specific knowledge and many years of experience in corrosion studies, corrosion testing and failure analyses METALogic can assist you in selecting the most appropriate material for your [...]

On-site support

METALogic can provide (qualitative) support at the client, which is typically longer term support. Project engineers in different disciplines can: Manage inspections of the installations and piping [...]

Damage mechanism study

A corrosion study or a failure mechanism study gives the user essential knowledge on integrity of the installation by determining and listing potential failure mechanisms. The output of a failure mechanism [...]

Acoustic emission

Integrity measurement by means of acoustic emission By means of an acoustic emission test with elevated pressure the integrity of your vessel is investigated. This acoustic emission test ensures 100% [...]

Risk-based inspection (RBI)

To map the whole tangle of piping and equipment on a site and make inspection of these manageable, METALogic suggests its RBI approach. By performing a profound study of potential failure mechanisms by [...]

Failure analysis

Our team of experts have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in failure analysis and is supported by state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories. METALogic goes to the limit to solve your [...]

Corrosion tests

Testing of corrosion in our laboratory is mainly done by exposure testing and/or by electrochemical tests (cyclic polarization measurements). Exposure tests are closest to reality and therefore yield the [...]

Controls according to VLAREM

METALogic employs recognized environmental experts in the discipline of soil corrosion as well as gases and hazardous substances that can perform the limited or general legal investigation. Our experts [...]

Exciting news!

METALogic has merged with TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium as of 1 August 2024 and we will now operate under one name: TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium.

This rebranding marks a new chapter in delivering enhanced services and expertise to our valued clients.

Visit TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium to learn more.